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Integrative Studies, BA/BS

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

结果F LIB-A:展示参与换位思考的能力

Objective 13 在自由教育和通识教育方面发挥领导作用; nationally, and globally.
Objective 8 LIB -促进和发展综合,跨学科的教学; learning, and scholarship culminating in community engagement and diversity of practices.

结果G LIB-B:整合来自两个或多个学科的知识和思维模式

Student is able to make connections across disciplines.
Objective 11 LIB -使学生能够制定个性化的课程计划 on academic and career goals.

Measure 1

2018 Status
我们已经连续第二个学年达到了这个目标. 而我们将继续强调教师之间的写作教学 我们计划存档这一目标,并将我们的评估集中在其他方面 learning outcomes for AY2019-2020.

2017 Status
We have achieved or exceeded our target. The assessment committee will 继续与正规教师合作,协调学习活动 对于这个带有评估的作业,促进讨论 学院培养创新的教学方法与内容相关 this SLO.

2016 Status
措施1 / 2:我们评估了LIB 311的项目范围作业 and LIB 312, the integrative statement. For this measure we compiled our assessment data on the rubric for those courses. We then compared these 我们在2015年秋季完成的最后一次自我研究的最新发现. 完成LIB 311/312的学生将被认为是熟练的 “目标/胜任”水平时,他们的平均得分为3分. 完成LIB 495课程的学生应该达到“精通”之间 3 and 4 on the appropriate rubric.

Measure 2

2018 Status
我们已经连续第二个学年达到了这个目标. 而我们将继续强调教师之间的写作教学 我们计划存档这一目标,并将我们的评估集中在其他方面 learning outcomes for AY2019-2020.

2017 Status
We have achieved or exceeded our target. The assessment committee will 继续与正规教师合作,协调学习活动 对于这个带有评估的作业,促进讨论 学院培养创新的教学方法与内容相关 this SLO.

2016 Status
措施1 / 2:我们评估了LIB 311的项目范围作业 and LIB 312, the integrative statement. For this measure we compiled our assessment data on the rubric for those courses. We then compared these 我们在2015年秋季完成的最后一次自我研究的最新发现. 完成LIB 311/312的学生将被认为是熟练的 “目标/胜任”水平时,他们的平均得分为3分. 完成LIB 495课程的学生应该达到“精通”之间 3 and 4 on the appropriate rubric.

Measure 3

2018 Status
我们已经连续第二个学年达到了这个目标. 而我们将继续强调教师之间的写作教学 我们计划存档这一目标,并将我们的评估集中在其他方面 learning outcomes for AY2019-2020.

2017 Status
We have achieved or exceeded our target. The assessment committee will 继续与正规教师合作,协调学习活动 对于这个带有评估的作业,促进讨论 学院培养创新的教学方法与内容相关 this SLO.

2016 Status
我们评估了LIB 495的项目范围作业,也就是综合作业 statement. For this measure we compiled our assessment data on the rubric for that class. We then compared these current findings with our last self study complete in the Fall of 2015.

H LIB-C:对复杂问题产生跨学科的理解

Students should be able to demonstrate that they can produce an 对复杂问题或智力问题的跨学科理解.
Objective 7 LIB:培养跨学科的关系,以加深 致力于跨学科,整合和自由学习.

Measure 1

2021 Status
这一轮评估的结果表明,301调查小组达到了目标 (Progressing) for the identified learning outcome.

2020 Status
从去年(2019-2020)开始,我们对学生的完整项目进行评估 proposals. Previously, we only assessed their literature reviews.

2019 Status
We have exceeded target for this measure.

2018 Status
学生表现出较强的表达整合能力 这方面的问题、概念、学科和研究工具 year's assessment. 我们看到 this as evidence that our work to continually 改进我们作为指导员的工作,提供密切的指导 connects to and supports the core SLOs of our department has been successful as well.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
虽然我们的大多数学生最终都达到了我们所认为的 很明显,许多学生(尤其是在学校)对这门课程的掌握程度不高 早期阶段)继续努力阐明问题的整合, concepts, academic disciplines, research tools, etc. Interdisciplinarity 整合是我们课程的关键目标,需要仔细规划 for improvement. 我们将 continue to consistently engage faculty in 讨论学习活动的最佳教学实践 与我们部门认定为 central to our mission and strategic plan.

2016 Status
Not Yet Achieved
评估这些措施的作业是在秋季收集的 2015 through Fall 2016. We assessed 19 program wide assignments, the literature review.

Measure 2

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
从这个评估报告周期对INT 495的调查结果表明 学生们在四个技能领域取得了进步,并达到了目标。 proficient) in one skill area.

2020 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students demonstrated continued progress to meeting proficiency. 我们看到 这证明我们的工作是在不断改进我们的教学 closely support the core departmental SLOs is successful. 我们将 继续努力,加强学生的成绩走向 target through our work with course instructors.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
学生表现出较强的表达整合能力 这方面的问题、概念、学科和研究工具 year's assessment. 我们看到 this as evidence that our work to continually 改进我们作为指导员的工作,提供密切的指导 connects to and supports the core SLOs of our department has been successful as well.

2018 Status
学生表现出较强的表达整合能力 这方面的问题、概念、学科和研究工具 year's assessment. 我们看到 this as evidence that our work to continually 改进我们作为指导员的工作,提供密切的指导 connects to and supports the core SLOs of our department has been successful as well.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
虽然我们的大多数学生最终都达到了我们所认为的 很明显,许多学生(尤其是在学校)对这门课程的掌握程度不高 早期阶段)继续努力阐明问题的整合, concepts, academic disciplines, research tools, etc. Interdisciplinarity 整合是我们课程的关键目标,需要仔细规划 for improvement. 我们将 continue to consistently engage faculty in 讨论学习活动的最佳教学实践 与我们部门认定为 central to our mission and strategic plan.

2016 Status
Not Yet Achieved

成果1 LIB-D:展示课堂知识对现实问题的应用

学生们能够证明他们能够运用他们的 课堂知识到现实世界的问题,问题,和/或应用.
Objective 14 LIB - Model and promote applied sustainability in curricular and programmatic practices
Objective 9 LIB -连接社区合作伙伴,企业,非营利组织,教师, staff, and students to address local and global issues.

Outcome J LIB-E: Demonstrate advanced critical thinking skills

学生应该能够展示先进的批判性思维技能 在专业和其他方面的有效表现所需要的水平 social or cultural contexts.
Objective 12 LIB - Foster student research through experiential learning and collaborative student-faculty research.

Outcome L LIB-G: Demonstrate intercultural understanding.

Students demonstrate intercultural understanding by identifying 社会和文化建构的身份和 effects of unearned privilege and systems of discrimination.
Objective 10 LIB - Engage with students to promote diversity and equity where structural inequalities exist.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
在2019年春夏期间,评估委员会成员开展了工作 与INT 311(意义)和INT 312(对话)讲师的子集 创建一个项目范围内的任务来评估社会责任 learning outcomes. The resulting assignment drew upon work that 311 and 312名教师已经在他们的课程中使用了这种方法 具体设计整个项目的分配和评估标准 是新. This assignment was then implemented for the first time on a pilot basis in Fall 2019. One issue that arose at the point of assessment is that because of the timeline used for department 评估(包括2019年冬季和2019年秋季的文物),其中一些 提交评估的文物来自2019年冬季,而不是 conform to the final program wide assignment parameters. Because INT 312 enrolls significantly more students than INT 311, fewer INT 311 assignments were collected than INT 312. These courses are treated as interchangeable within the Integrative Studies major core.

Measure 2

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
从这个评估报告周期对INT 312的调查结果表明 学生在确定的学习中达到目标(进步,3) outcomes.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
在2019年春夏期间,评估委员会成员开展了工作 与INT 311(意义)和INT 312(对话)讲师的子集 创建一个项目范围内的任务来评估社会责任 learning outcomes. The resulting assignment drew upon work that 311 and 312名教师已经在他们的课程中使用了这种方法 具体设计整个项目的分配和评估标准 是新. This assignment was then implemented for the first time on a pilot basis in Fall 2019. One issue that arose at the point of assessment is that because of the timeline used for department 评估(包括2019年冬季和2019年秋季的文物),其中一些 提交评估的文物来自2019年冬季,而不是 conform to the final program wide assignment parameters. Because INT 312 enrolls significantly more students than INT 311, fewer INT 311 assignments were collected than INT 312. These courses are treated as interchangeable within the Integrative Studies major core.

Measure 3

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
这个INT 400评估周期的结果表明,学生是 在所有类别中都有进步,除了一个(整合) baseline. This is the third time assessing this program-wide assignment since its creation in Fall 2018. We most recently assessed the course in Winter 2020.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
This is the second time that we have assessed this program-wide assignment since its creation in Fall 2018. Since 2018, we have determined a baseline for assessing mastery. Additionally, this is the first time we included artifacts from S/S 19 as well.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
教师 began integrating the program-wide assignment into their teaching of LIB 400 and LIB 401 for the first time in Fall 2018. We 评估从这些课程中收集的工件子集以确定 评估这些核心学习成果掌握程度的基线 goal of being able to strengthen instruction of the core learning outcomes.

Measure 4

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
从这个INT 401评估周期的结果显示,学生是 所有类别都在进步,但只有一个(整合)是他们所处的位置 baseline. This is the third time assessing this program-wide assignment since its creation in Fall 2018. We most recently assessed the course in Winter 2020.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
This is the second time that we have assessed this program-wide assignment since its creation in Fall 2018. Since 2018, we have determined a baseline for assessing mastery. Additionally, this is the first time we included artifacts from S/S 19 as well.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
教师 began integrating the program-wide assignment into their teaching of LIB 400 and LIB 401 for the first time in Fall 2018. We 评估从这些课程中收集的工件子集以确定 评估这些核心学习成果掌握程度的基线 目标是能够加强核心学习成果的指导.

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