Navigating 健康 at GVSU


在大峡谷, 我们相信采取全面的方法来支持学生的福祉, 教职员工. 了解和关心你的个人福祉和你的经验,作为一个大山谷的成员, we invite you to prioritize yourself and your well-being.

What does that mean, exactly? 

博天堂官方, 我们把幸福定义为一种最优的动态状态,它能让人们充分发挥自己的潜力(NIRSA), 2022). By focusing on the whole person and the whole community, well-being becomes a shared goal and a shared responsibility. 了解健康的8个维度可以帮助你在GVSU的经历中指导你的个人健康, and wherever else you may go.

博天堂官方娱乐 & 健康 has recently updated the 8 Dimensions of 健康, first introduced at GVSU in 2019, to better align with the needs of our community. 在大峡谷, 我们相信采取全面的方法来支持学生的福祉, 教职员工. 了解和关心你的个人福祉和你的经验,作为一个大山谷的成员, we invite you to prioritize yourself and your well-being. 

QUIZ: Assess Your 健康

Learn More for Yourself

Learn more for Students

wellness wheel update 2024

As of September 2019, the department of Campus 娱乐 will be known as the department of 娱乐 & 健康. 这种区别 better showcases the strong commitment to student wellness that the 部门的代表,它也反映了工作方式 have long been true in the department. The name change is more reflective of professional standards, national practice, university plans, and previous institutional history.

最近,为了支持这一点,进行了以下更改 名称的改变:

  • Creation of a new student wellness website (博天堂官方.edu/studentwellness)
  • Implementation of the 8 dimensions of wellness model
  • Hiring of Student Health Promotions Coordinator
  • Collective efforts to identify and implement strategies to improve 学生的幸福

In January 2021, the Division of Student Affairs (DSA) was created with the hiring of Vice President Jenny Hall-Jones. 新的承诺 to wellbeing was established during this time as evidenced by the hiring of the first ever Director of Student Health Services and DSA负责福利和包容的助理副总裁.

The commitment to wellbeing is further showcased through the GVSU 福利和包容战略计划和随后的福利 and Inclusion Strategic Communication 2023-2024 plan. 在 communication plan, the committee determined critical objectives 包括“使用健康的8个维度作为幸福的共享模型.”

In the Fall 2023 semester, a small team from across the university reassessed the 8 dimensions of wellness at GVSU through 1 教师/工作人员焦点小组,1个学生焦点小组,以及一份调查 教师, staff and students in which 167 respondents shared their ideas for each dimension of wellness. New definitions in accordance 与GVSU社区的反馈提交给DSA福利和 Inclusion Committee in January 2024.

我们的福祉工作以公平和正义为基础 our newest wellness wheel. 

By centering equity and justice in all of our academic and 专业课程,我们为学生,教师和工作人员准备一个 lifetime of continual learning and growth and contribute to a more just and equitable society. 

股本 is a guiding principle at GVSU. 它指的是 公平待遇、机会和晋升的保证 for students, 教师, and staff at every stage of educational and career development. Grand Valley acknowledges that there are historically underserved and underrepresented populations. 每一个 effort is made to identify and eliminate barriers preventing their full participation. In alignment with empowering “people to achieve 他们的全部潜力,“我们采取公平作为一个必不可少的组成部分 我们的健康框架,以确保所有的学生,教师和工作人员 在GVSU. 

正义: 社会 justice serves as the conceptual foundation for Grand Valley’s commitment to diversity, equity, and 包容. 在博天堂官方, we must think critically about systems of marginalization and oppression. This includes a deeper understanding of privilege and the need for all in the community to work toward equity and fairness in the pursuit of the transformation of lives, professions, and societies. Our wellness work at GVSU will examine power structures and address unfair treatment in all dimensions of 健康,使大山谷社区的所有成员都能实现 最佳的健康.

8 Dimensions of 健康

What are these dimensions we're talking about?
娱乐 & 健康 is here to support you on your journey to health and well-being. A model was created that identifies 8 key dimensions of wellness. 了解健康的8个维度可以帮助你选择如何让健康成为你日常生活的一部分. 利用这个模型和可利用的大学资源来帮助你走向幸福. ​​​​​​​



环境 健康 is sustaining safe, 清洁, and healthy environments where we live, 工作和娱乐.

金融健康 is developing understanding, 根据个人需要和欲望分配金钱的技能和行为.

知识 健康 is developing understanding, 根据个人需要和欲望分配金钱的技能和行为.






Student 健康 Resources


Responses from Anonymous Student/工作人员 Survey


认识到学生健康的所有8个方面是很重要的, 教师, 还有员工,因为每个维度都会以不同的方式影响一个人的整体健康. It is totally possible to be doing really well in one dimension (e.g. 社会健康),同时也在另一个方面挣扎,比如情感健康. 作为一名湖人球员,认识到健康的8个维度很重要的另一个原因是,它有助于我们相互理解,对他人更加感同身受. By recognizing the different aspects of wellness, 教职员工可以更好地支持学生,而学生反过来也会被提醒,他们的教授和团队领导也是有困难的人,他们也有自己的健康之旅.


  • “我实践 emotional wellness 通过自我意识到我的感受以及是什么让我有这种感觉. 例如, when I feel anxious, 这通常是因为我的课程负担和重要的截止日期迫在眉睫的压力. When I find myself feeling overwhelmed or anxious by a project, 我使用的一个很好的策略是把我需要做的事情分解成更小的, more manageable pieces. 我也通过向我的朋友和家人表达我的情感,并在困难时期依靠他们的支持来练习情绪健康."


  • 我在一个非常鼓励健康和体育锻炼的环境中工作! 作为工作人员, I have access to the recreation center, 健身运动, and intramural sports, 这让我在每天的基础上有很多不同的体育活动选择.

  • “我实践 intellectual wellness by reading, which is one of my favorite hobbies. 当然, 我在GVSU的求学之旅也支持了我的智力健康,但我在校外一直是一个狂热的读者. 我发现阅读给了我很强的批判性思维和评估能力. 这也培养了我的好奇心,因为如果我读到一个我不了解的话题, I want to go and learn more about that topic."


  • "GVSU supports my wellness in the social and occupational dimensions of wellness 通过他们为学生参与组织和校园就业提供的所有选择. 我在全球之声的时间变得如此丰富,因为我能够培养的关系和我所拥有的新经历都是因为我的课外活动. 在GV的第一年,我只参加了一个学生组织,这对我以后的大学经历产生了很大的影响. 除了在校和校外工作外,我还参加了全日制课程,这也教会了我如何保持健康的工作与生活平衡. Although having to split my time can be difficult, 它教会了我如何以及何时优先考虑我的需求和我需要完成的任务."

8 dimensions of wellness video

指南 & 宣传册

为教师 & 工作人员

娱乐 & 健康 is a department in the Division of Student Affairs at Grand Valley State University.

Page last modified April 9, 2024