

为什么要加入FLC?--Highlights and interviews with GVSU faculty who have participated in an FLC previously


不要相信我们的话.  观看这个简短的视频,GVSU的教师接受采访,了解参与皮尤教师学习社区对他们的影响.  We couldn't ask for better ambassadors for this fantastic program!



  • Fall 2024
Image to represent a cohort--several stick figures in a group.


Stick figure meditating--representing contemplative actions


  • Fall 2024
  • Winter 2025



这个正在进行的系列课程每学期将有两个LCs, one delving into a foundational text of progressive educational philosophy (e.g. Rousseau, Dewey, Hooks), 另一个提供了一个当代的镜头和实用的方法来面对今天的教学挑战.  欢迎所有教师加入一个或两个LCs.

  • 2024春夏
    • 人工智能教学人工智能就在这里——教师应该知道什么和做什么?
    • ​​​​​​​改造大学课堂 创造一个有利于学习的课堂环境如何使学生在大学以外的世界受益?




我应该让学生使用ChatGPT来完成作业吗? 那么学术诚信呢?? 我应该在教学大纲中加入政策声明吗? What is particular about AI use in my discipline and the subjects I teach? Can I prepare students to use it effectively and thoughtfully, 考虑到他们的工作可能需要它? Tacking these questions together, participants will read and discuss 人工智能教学: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning (约翰霍普金斯大学,2024年),C. 爱德华·沃森和乔斯·鲍恩. 参与者还将获得他们选择的付费人工智能平台的一个月订阅,并尝试各种人工智能工具(ChatGPT), Calude, Copilot, DALL-E, etc.) in order to get a sense of their capabiltities and limitations. 也许我们甚至会想出一些方法,让人工智能增强我们的教学,帮助我们的学生学习.

会议日期/时间: TBD

位置/校园: Three sections, 一个在线Zoom, 一个人去健康校园, and one in Allendale in-person -- times and dates TBD depending on group schedule polling

Facilitator: 雷切尔•安德森 English(电子邮件保护)

Co-Facilitator: David Eick, Modern Languages and Literatures and Pew FTLC Faculty Fellow, (电子邮件保护) 

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.




这个学习社区专注于书本, 大学新教室 (哈佛大学2022年上升), 并向所有寻求创新方法来改善课堂学习环境的教师开放. 参与者将讨论与学习科学相关的研究,并探索可以融入课堂的教学法.

会议日期/时间: Tuesday mornings on May 7, 14, 21, 28, and June 4, 11, 18 from 10a-11am.


Facilitator: 伊丽莎白·戴维斯 Nursing(电子邮件保护)

Co-Facilitator: David Eick, Modern Languages and Literatures and Pew FTLC Faculty Fellow, (电子邮件保护) 

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.


Design with six rings intertwined in a circular pattern--image represents radical inclusion

This series is devoted to topics that build and reinforce diversity, inclusion and equity.

ADHD & 高等教育



Do you know someone, or have you been diagnosed, with ADHD? 在这个社区里, 成员们将了解ADHD的特点,并探索有关ADHD患者的文献, 以及分享经验, strategies, and solutions to achieving success while at the university. 学习通用设计(UDL)方法和国际功能分类(ICF)框架将用于建议包容性支持,以帮助那些患有ADHD和/或神经发散特征的人.

会议日期/时间: TBD

位置/校园:待定 (hybrid)

Facilitator: Monica Harris, 教与学(电子邮件保护)

Co-Facilitator: Mai MohamedNour,电子学习技术, (电子邮件保护)

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.

Cultures of Growth: How the New Science of Mindset Can Transform Individuals, Teams, 和组织

Fall 2024


在GVSU的学生成功系列的基础上,这个学习社区将阅读和讨论玛丽C. 墨菲(2024)的书, Cultures of Growth: How the New Science of Mindset Can Transform Individuals, Teams, & Organizations. Dr. 墨菲的研究证明了这一点, "mindset transcends individuals [and] a growth mindset culture can transform any group, team, or classroom to reach breakthroughs while also helping each person achieve their potential.“这个学习型社区将确定如何在GVSU各级培养成长文化.

会议日期/时间: TBD

位置/校园: 在线/虚拟(带缩放)

Facilitator: 艾丽卡•汉密尔顿 教务长办公室, (电子邮件保护)

Co-Facilitator: David Eick, Modern Languages and Literature and Pew FTLC Faculty Fellow, (电子邮件保护)

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.



How might greater understanding of the characteristics of our students, as compared to those of previous cohorts and our own demographic, 帮助我们更有效地与他们联系并教导他们?

Curious (or clueless) about what makes the current cohort of students tick? 他们与我们以前的学生有什么不同? What unexamined presuppositions and formative experiences characterize our own age group? San Diego State University psychology professor Jean Twenge examines six generations in the U.S.从她所谓的“沉默”(Silents)开始. 1925- 1945),并将她的发现提炼成 世代:Z世代之间的真正差异, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, 《沉默——以及它们对美国的未来意味着什么》 (Simon & Schuster, 2023). 参与者将阅读并讨论这本书, hopefully, glean insights to help us connect with and teach the current generation more effectively.

会议日期/时间: TBD

位置/校园: 在线/虚拟(带缩放)

Facilitator: David Eick, Modern Languages and Literature and Pew FTLC Faculty Fellow(电子邮件保护)

Co-Facilitator: 优雅柯立芝, History, (电子邮件保护)

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.

Interdisciplinary Healthcare Professions 重建一些

Fall 2024


在跨学科的医疗保健环境中,在课堂上培养包容和归属感始于自我意识. 这个学习社区将采取行动,深入了解自我意识,并朝着以证据为基础的DEI战略迈进. Together we will work through Lily Zhen's book and workbook, 一些解构 and 重建一些,以利用对DEI以结果为导向的理解. In addition, 我们的目标是创建一个全面的可操作技术基础,以支持参与者成为更有效的DEI从业者, allies, and leaders.

***This 学习社区 is open to Interdisciplinary Healthcare Faculty only.***

会议日期/时间: TBD

位置/校园: 在线/虚拟(带缩放)

Facilitator: Jay Knight, Nursing, (电子邮件保护)

Co-Facilitator: Kellie Riley, Nursing, (电子邮件保护)

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.

Strong Start

  • 2024春夏
    • GenerationsHow might greater understanding of the characteristics of our students, as compared to those of previous cohorts and our own demographic, 帮助我们更有效地与他们联系并教导他们?
  • Fall 2024


comment bubble with a star in it--image represents the idea of a topic




In the age of AI, how can instructors foster academic honesty?

博天堂官方网页学生作弊的原因,研究说了什么? 我的课程设计会招致作弊吗? How might we motivate students not to use ChatGPT to do assignments (unless we want them to)? 我们怎样才能让他们做学习所必需的工作? Participants will tackle these questions as we read Cheating Lessons (Harvard UP, 2013), by James Lang, 我们2023秋季会议的主题演讲嘉宾. 可以说,它在今天比刚出版时更有意义, Lang’s first book offers strategies to reduce academic dishonesty and promote deeper learning.

会议日期/时间: TBD

位置/校园: TBD—Zoom

Facilitator: David Eick, Modern Languages and Literatures and Pew FTLC Faculty Fellow, (电子邮件保护) 

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.

How to Integrate AI in Advertising and Public Relations Teaching


How can AI improve the teaching practice in Advertising and public relations?

这个学习社区将探索如何将人工智能技术整合到广告(Ad)和公共关系(PR)课程中。. 这个学习社区将协作学习如何使用一些流行的人工智能工具进行写作, designs. 社区的教授可以互相帮助,跟上最重要的技术趋势,并为我们的学生为未来做好准备,在未来,人工智能的能力是必不可少的.

会议日期/时间: TBD

位置/校园: TBD

Facilitator: Faye Yang, 传媒学院, (电子邮件保护)

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.



Do you feel there is never enough time to get things done? 你坚持的生产力和效率标准是不可能实现的吗?

We all perceive that there isn't enough time and are consumed with our to do list, 挤在盒子里,越来越多的干扰, 不管我们的职业是什么. 提高效率的方法是无限的. Unfortunately, 这些提高效率的技巧往往会让事情变得更糟,让我们继续匆匆忙忙地度过每一天, proceeding to miss the most significant parts of our lives.

In 四千周, Oliver Burkeman provides a map to time and time management. 而不是专注于“完成所有事情”,伯克曼鼓励读者接受这样一个事实:时间是有限的,我们对时间的许多看法是可以改变的. 我们可以做不同的事情.

会议日期/时间: TBD

位置/校园: Online/Zoom

Facilitator: 玛蒂娜·莱因霍尔德, 医师助理研究(电子邮件保护)

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.


2024年秋季/ 2025年冬季

GVSU的2025年目标之一是为学生提供“授权教育体验”。. Study away experiences and other similar High Impact Practices (HIP), 是一种沉浸式的、有效的方式来扩展学生的知识和世界观吗. 如果我们能支持和授权这些项目, GVSU will stand out from other universities and attract more students. Padnos International Center (PIC) provides support for study abroad programs. 没有办公室或实体存在于GVSU提供类似的支持教师和工作人员领导的学习计划(健康表格), 责任豁免, 预算模板, 以及营销材料).

这个学习社区将提供一个论坛,分享现有和过去的出国留学项目的经验,并为未来的出国留学机会提供支持. 通过促进讨论, 当计划和实施一个学习项目时,参与者将能够从同龄人那里了解什么是有效的,什么是无效的.

会议日期/时间: TBD

位置/校园: Hybrid

Facilitator:  Peter Wampler, (电子邮件保护)

Facilitator:  彼得•Riemersma (电子邮件保护)

Interested? 你可以填妥一份 LC Application.


This series is devoted to topics of particular interest to female faculty

  • Fall 2024
Single flame surrounded by a wreath of foliage--image represents education and academia

学习社区(LCs)将教职员工聚集在一起,就共同感兴趣的话题进行1-2个学期的对话,并鼓励应用所获得的知识.  Each LC consists of a facilitator and a group of at least four faculty or staff.  如果你感兴趣的话 registering for an LC, simply apply for a 学习社区 in the FTLC Grant System.  All faculty are eligible to apply, and staff may participate with supervisor approval.

如果你感兴趣的话 forming or leading a 学习社区 for the current or upcoming academic year, complete a 学习社区意向书表格. 如果您正在领导LC,请访问 LC促进者资源页.

寻找灵感?  Visit our 过去的教师学习社区网页 to see a complete list (with descriptions) of FLCs from past academic years.
