



雷纳尔多·莫里斯(加里, IN) began his training with Tony Washington and graduated from Talent Unlimited High School. He attended Emerson School for Visual and Performing Arts, studying with Larry Brewer. Mr. Maurice was a scholarship student at The Ailey School, 芭蕾舞芝加哥, 深深扎根的舞蹈剧场, 和玛莎·格雷厄姆当代舞蹈学院. He received second place in modern dance from the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts and received the Dizzy Feet Foundation Scholarship. In 2012 he was honored with the key to the city of his hometown. Mr. Maurice has choreographed and performed with Grammy nominated artist Jazzmeia Horn. He is the 2022 Willie Ninja Supreme Award Recipient and star of HBO Max’s 传奇. He has also incorporated his passion for the arts with social responsibility as the co-artistic director of Indiana's South Shore 跳舞 Alliance. He was a member of Ailey II and joined the Company in 2011, and rejoined in 2019. 在Facebook上找到他: @Maurice加德纳 在Instagram上: @mauricerenaldo



从萨吉诺, 密歇根, 查尔斯很小就开始跳舞, 接受多种风格的训练,如爵士乐, 抒情, 利用, 芭蕾舞, 还有嘻哈. In 2011 Charles began furthering his training at 大峡谷州立大学 in Grand Rapids, 他在那里接受了广泛的现代训练, 芭蕾舞, 和爵士乐. While at Grand Valley he also had the opportunity to perform as a principal guest artist with companies throughout 密歇根, such as the Children’s Ballet Theater of 密歇根, 平河舞蹈团, 和大急流歌剧院. Charles graduated from Grand Valley in December 2015. He was a company member with Minnesota Ballet from 2016-19 and Ballet Tucson for the 2019-20 season. At Minnesota Ballet and Ballet Tucson he had the opportunity to perform many notable 芭蕾舞s. These roles include “Elegy Male” in George Balanchine’s 小夜曲, 克里斯托弗·威尔顿的经典双人舞 5个动作3次重复. Balanchine’s Concerto Barocco, the Prince and Cavalier in 《博天堂官方网页》, Robert Gardner’s “Limelight”,  Salvatore Aiello’s 无Fretta, 还有很多其他的. 查尔斯现在居住在丹佛, CO and performs as a guest artist with both local companies and companies across the country.



Qarrianne Blayr 


Qarrianne joined DCDC’s first company in 2012 after having performed for two seasons in DCDC2, 公司的预备专业团队. 她在霍华德大学获得了文学学士学位, 师从谢里尔·贝里曼-约翰逊, 帕特·托马斯, 桑德拉Fortune-Green, 凯瑟琳•史密斯, Akua Kouyate, 和孔蒂. She also studied traditional Jamaican dance at University of West Indies at Mona. 

Ms. Blayr has performed the works of many choreographer’s including Ulysses Dove, Donald McKayle, Ron K. 棕色(的), Dianne麦金太尔, 雷美世, and Crystal Michelle and has taught at and/ or created work on DCDC, DCDC2, 代顿大学舞蹈团, 俄亥俄大学舞蹈专业, Kazyna舞蹈团, 格林纳达国际舞蹈节, 国际黑人舞蹈协会, 和希尔舞蹈学院剧院.  

Touring and performing with the company continues to be inspiring and fulfilling for Ms. 她访问了美国的许多州, and many countries around the world including Russia, 哈萨克斯坦, 百慕大, 和中国, while also serving at Associate Artistic Director.  



在加州出生和长大, DEBORAH LOHSE是一位喜剧演员, dancer and choreographer living and working in New York City. 她的作品曾在剧院演出过, public spaces and festivals including DANCE NOW Joe’s Pub, 美国舞蹈节, 芝加哥当代马戏节, 联合独唱戏剧节, La Mama Moves, Winter Garden at Brookfield Place and The Stonewall Inn. 她接受了“运动中的女性”的委托, 咒语打击乐, 纽约州立大学购买, DANCE NOW and Island Moving Company as well as artist residencies from The Yard, 大理石住宅项目, 杰拉西驻地艺术家计划, 阿卡迪亚夏季艺术项目和SILO. 作为表演者, Lohse has worked with theater directors Michael Preston, 芭芭拉·卡格和安妮·考夫曼, visual artists Suzanne Bocanegra  and Paulina Olowska and choreographers Monica Bill Barnes, 科里Olinghouse, Doug Elkins, 凯蒂派尔/ Ballez, 大卫·帕克/The Bang Group, 阿什利·R.T. Yergens and Lohse’s collaborative dance comedy crew LMnO3 (Lohse, Marquis and Oakley). She currently performs with Bindlestiff Family Cirkus and as her alter ego indefatigable cabaret persona TruDee.


Charles Askegard, (formerly of Ballet Next, American Ballet 剧院, New York City Ballet)



Melissa Barak (Barak Ballet, formerly of Los Angeles Ballet, New York City Ballet)

Karena Birk (跳舞 Fremont)!)


Richard Bowman (formerly of Royal New Zealand Ballet, 莱比锡芭蕾舞, 澳大利亚芭蕾舞团, 匹兹堡芭蕾舞剧院)

Xan Burley (alexandance公司)

Susan Brooker (University of North Carolina School of the Arts)

奎拉·克兰西(《博天堂官方网页》, 前代顿当代舞蹈团成员, 露露华盛顿舞蹈剧院, 太阳马戏团的《博天堂官方》


Bryn Cohn (Bryn Cohn + Artists)



Autumn Eckman (formerly of Giordano Jazz 跳舞 Chicago, Hubbard Street)

Lauren Edson(前Trey McIntyre Project的成员)

Brian Enos (Big Muddy 跳舞 Co ..)





Melissa Hale Coyle (formerly of American Ballet 剧院, Cincinnati Ballet Co.(塔尔萨芭蕾舞剧院)

Randy Herrera (formerly of Houston Ballet, Joffrey Ballet)




丽贝卡·莱梅(Acts of Matter)

Marlayna Locklear (深深扎根的舞蹈剧场, formerly of Dayton Contemporary 跳舞 Co.)

Joshua Manculich (formerly of Thodos 跳舞 Chicago)


Eddy Ocampo (formerly of River North, Giordano Jazz 跳舞 Chicago)


迈克尔·斯宾塞·菲利普斯(RIOULT 跳舞 NY)

Stacy Reischman Fletcher (University of Southern Mississippi)



段教授 & Mark Santillano (SoMar 跳舞 Works, formerly of Pilobolus, MOMIX)


Paul Singh (Baryshnikov Center, Julliard, Sarah Lawrence)

George Smallwood (Paul Taylor 跳舞 Company, formerly of Battleworks 跳舞 Company)

Peter Sparling (formerly of Martha Graham 跳舞 Company)

Alex Springer (formerly of Doug Varone and 跳舞rs)



Takehiro Ueyama (TAKE 跳舞, formerly of Paul Taylor 跳舞 Company)

Roger Van Fleteren (formerly of American Ballet 剧院)

Helanius J. Wilkins (formerly director of EDGEWORKS 跳舞 Theater)




Lauren Blane Bogren (Founder and Artistic Director of Main Street Ballet Company, 协同舞蹈学院的老板, 原芝加哥佐丹奴舞蹈团成员)

Elizabeth Fadell (formerly of Grand Rapids Ballet)

Kelly Kerastas (Studio Manager and Company Director of 跳舞 Dimensions Performing Arts Center)


Natiya Lozano (licensed dance movement therapist, formerly of CODA, The Puzzle League)

Jessica Pittman (Industrial 跳舞 Alliance, Third Law 跳舞 Company)

Jesse Powers (Artistic Director of Capital Ballet 剧院, formerly of Inaside Chicago 跳舞)
