Frederick A. Chapman Memorial Public Relations Scholarship
The Frederick A. 查普曼纪念公共关系奖学金旨在帮助追求公共关系事业的学生,他们表现出对社区服务的承诺. 学生必须是广告和公共关系专业,公共关系专业至少3分.平均绩点2分,表现出对社区服务领导的承诺. Application Guidelines.

School of Communications Scholarship
DEADLINE: the first Monday in February, 5:00 p.m.
传播学院奖学金旨在表彰在所选研究领域表现出潜力的传播学院高年级学生. 奖学金将在竞争的基础上颁发. 该学生必须在传媒学院申报了专业, be in good academic standing, and have completed a minimum of 30 credits at GVSU. Individual scholarships will be in the $1000 range. 奖学金不能自动续期,但学生可以重新申请. 奖学金从下一学年的秋季开始颁发. 决定将基于申请材料的质量和内容. Application Guidelines

Dr. 玛格丽特·普罗科特传媒学院奖学金
DEADLINE: the first Monday in March, 5:00 p.m.
该奖学金旨在资助传媒学院用生动的语言写作的学生, direct and unique voice. 它是专门为小说写作而设计的,包括为电影和戏剧写作. 奖学金的总金额不得少于500美元,也不得超过1美元,000. Application Guidelines

The Warren Reynolds Scholarship
沃伦·雷诺兹奖学金是为了纪念大急流城WOOD-TV的长期体育总监而命名的. Warren Reynolds, 谁在2000年死于癌症,是整个地区慈善事业的倡导者, left a legacy of integrity in broadcast journalism. 这项奖学金是为那些体现这些理想并对电子媒体表现出热情的学生而设立的. 从事体育广播工作的学生优先.
符合下列条件的学生可申请:现为传媒学院全日制大三或大四学生. Have demonstrated leadership in courses, internships, 广播作业和课外活动. 通过完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)证明有经济需求。. Application Guidelines

John J. and Marjorie E. Shepard Communications Scholarship
DEADLINE: the last Monday in March, 5:00 p.m. Established in memory of John J. and Marjorie E. 谢泼德,以支持大山谷州立大学传播学院的学生. 他们的愿望是,将他们的一部分遗产指定为奖学金,以帮助从事广播事业的学生. 奖学金最多可续期四个学期(可重新申请). Individual scholarships are in the range of $1,500. Application Guidelines

Gates Millenium Scholarships
Background: 盖茨千年奖学金旨在增加低收入非洲裔美国人的数量, Asian Pacific Americans, American Indians / Alaska Natives, 西班牙裔美国人注册并完成本科和研究生学位课程. 由比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会资助, 该奖励计划促进学术卓越,并为数千名优秀的低收入家庭学生提供接受高等教育的机会.
Eligibility: 个人有资格获得盖茨千年奖学金,如果他们:累积GPA为3.3 or higher on a 4.0 scale; Are accepted into or enrolled full-time in an accredited college or university for the academic year at the time of the award; Have demonstrated financial need as defined by the federal needs analysis formula; and Have demonstrated leadership commitment through participation in community service, 课外活动或其他反映领导能力的活动.
For further information: See your academic advisor, 或联系GVSU少数民族事务/多元文化中心办公室331-2177.

WGVU Public Media Student Employee Scholarship
设立这个奖学金的目的是为了表彰学生在公共广播电台工作的重要性, 鼓励优秀的学生员工,并奖励学生员工的杰出表现. Must be a student employee of WGVU Public Media. Application Guidelines and more information.

Bert Price Minority Scholarship
Annual, entering minority freshman. Application Guidelines and more information

MCA-A Bill Rigstand Communication Scholarship
Annual $2,000 plus Detroit-area internship. For more information and an application, visit or call 248/577-3782.

National Press Photographers Foundation Scholarships
5 $1000.每年获得国家新闻摄影师基金会的00美元资助. 学生必须提交一个作品集,展示他们的工作技能,多功能性和潜力. Financial need is also a criterion. The deadline is March 1 every year. 欲了解更多信息:请参阅国家新闻摄影师基金会奖学金信息页面:

The Frank Fund Grant for Professional Development
弗兰克基金基金会支持广告和公共关系专业学生的专业发展活动. Set up in honor of Professor Frank Blossom, 他是广告业的资深人士,也是GVSU的前教授, 该基金可用于参加会议和研讨会的机票以及会议/研讨会的注册费. 学生需要提供广告/公关教师的支持证明. For more information and to apply, go to 弗兰克基金专业发展资助页面.

Study and Practice of General Semantics Scholarship
这项奖学金的目的是帮助学生展示对一般语义学的理解及其在生活中的应用. 由传媒学院成立,旨在提高对通用语义学研究所的认识,并鼓励学生在生活和职业中学习和实践通用语义学. Application Guidelines and more information.

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Page last modified March 12, 2024